My Journey
Jean Nixon
It all started in February 2010. I went to see my Doctor as I was getting very out of breath when walking. He sent me for a chest x-ray which I had 4 days later. From there I went to Basingstoke Hospital, 2 days later, and they drew some fluid from my right lung. Then I had an appointment to see Mr Black, who then referred me to Southampton General Hospital to have some more fluid taken. While I was having the operation and after they had drawn the rest of the fluid away, they put some talcum powder in to stick the lining together. I stayed in hospital for 3 days.
Three weeks later I went back to Basingstoke Hospital to get the result and saw Mr Dillon. That was when they told me I had Mesothelioma. It was a shock at first as I did not know what was wrong. I rang my two daughters and asked them to come home and see me, they where there when I arrived home. I told them and my husband. We all had a cry, then a drink. I don’t mean Tea or Coffee.
The next morning when I woke, I told myself that I would do all I could to help myself and be strong not only for me, but my family. My husband Fred, our daughters; Natasha and Kirsty and our son-in-laws; Gary and Adrian are a great support and help to me.
Lisa from Hasag came to see me to explain all the benefits I could claim for. What a really lovely lady, who is still helping me to this day. Hasag is an organisation which helps people with asbestos related illness. They are really kind, helpful, caring people who HELP everyone they meet. I really don’t know what I would do without them.
I started my first round of Chemo in May 2010 and had six sessions every three weeks. This finished in October 2010. I was a lucky lady as I did not have many side affects.
Things went well for the next 6 and a half years, then in November 2016, I thought something had changed. So I went back to see my Consultant and had a scan which showed the tumour was moving. At Christmas 2016, I had 10 sessions of Radio-Therapy then I had 6 sessions of Chemo. This all finished in May 2017. Unfortunately this did not work. I asked to go on a trial drug which I started in July this year.
I have to go to Southampton General Hospital every week, have my bloods taken, then see the Consultant, then wait for the drugs to be dispensed. After taking the second tablet, I was not very well and ended up in hospital for 4 days. Some of this was my fault as I stopped eating. I am fine now. I now go to the hospital every third week. The first week I see the consultant, gave my bloods taken, then she gives me my tablets if all is OK. The second week, a nurse comes to my home to take my bloods, then they ring me to say to take the tablet if all is OK. The third week there is no hospital and no tablet.
I still go to the Gym twice a week. I don’t do too much. I still go in the swimming pool, but don’t swim anymore as it makes me out of breath. I do lots of exercise in the water instead.
Life has not changed much going out with friends, going on holiday and enjoying life! I have always said LIFE IS FOR LIVING and yes, I am living it to the full.
I am a very positive person and just get on with life. This is what has happened to me, so I am dealing with it. What is the point in sitting in a chair worrying about what might happen? If os happens I will deal with it at the time. Don’t forget, LIFE IS FOR LIVING!